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Linear electromechanical actuators

Linear electromechanical actuators - ADR

In recent years, ADR has developed its range of electromechanical actuators to meet the requirements of high technology markets. These products are designed to evolve in UHV, clean, aeronautics, space or defence environments and must adapt to specific customer applications.



Actuator for precision or UHV application


These electromechanical actuators have been designed to achieve high precision linear positioning for scientific applications or in environments requiring high cleanliness or an extreme vacuum. ADR has been able to optimise the overall dimensions and kinematic chainto improve its performance and reduce overheating. These actuators are designed to meet specific needs such as:

  • High precision positioning;
  • High rigidity of the actuator by pre-stressing the rod;
  • Resolution of a few dozens of nanometres, depending on the motor control command chosen;
  • Improved and bench-tested endurance of the short-stroke actuator;
  • Low hysteresis of the mechanical chain;
  • Maintenance of a precise position without electrical supply;
  • Reduced maintenance level;
  • Sealed metal envelope of the actuator for UHV application (optional);
  • A ball at the end of the rod provides a point contact to reduce residual efforts with the associated equipment (the interface of the rod can be adapted if required).


Actuator for aeronautics or defence application


ADR has developed a range of electromechanical actuators that deliver thrust force and positioning demanded by aeronautics and defence environments. The actuator has a simple and robust design that satisfies repetitive operating cycles on support equipment mounted on systems. These actuators are designed to meet specific needs such as: 

  • Direct drive architecture (without a reduction stage);
  • Compact overall dimensionswith high thrust force;
  • High kinematic performance;
  • Operates in severe weather conditions;
  • Operational in the temperature range of aeronautical applications; 
  • High reliability by its simplified design; 
  • Limit switch;
  • Mechanical stop;
  • Rod interface adaptable to the equipment.



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