Defence & Security
Today, ADR devotes more than 50% of its activity to the defence & security sector.
With its long experience in this market, our company designs and manufactures technical solutions in order to meet the requirements of stability, repeatability, cleanliness and sustainability, making ADR the world specialist in optronic systems.
Airborne electro-optical systems
ADR is particularly familiar with the requirements of sealing, reliability and thermal requirements, notably incorporating the delicate compromise between friction torque and stiffness.
The technical solutions proposed take into account the objectives of these applications both in the reduction of weight and overall dimensions while achieving exceptional levels of performance.

Terrestrial viewfinders
The experience gained in these specific applications allows us to adapt the internal geometries of the products, in particular to increase the capacity of bearings with identical dimensions. ADR thus offers solutions to the issue of high loads, vibration and impacts.
In addition, ADR takes into consideration sealing and performance reliability requirements to adapt to temperature gradients.

Naval electro-optical systems
At the cutting edge of technology used in the naval, electro-optic system market, ADR offers dedicated solutions capable of responding to the imperatives related to acquisition or pointing in a saline environment.
In aggressive environments, ADR has real know-how allowing it to combine continuous rotation acquisition criteria or low oscillation pointing with long life span and reduced maintenance objectives.

Missile seekers
Thanks to long experience and unique knowledge, ADR is a major player in this very high technology field.
ADR high precision ball bearings are able to respond to all the technical requirements of those products, with adapted materials and designs.
ADR is currently present on many projects of infrared missile guidance seekers which proves the reliability and the quality of the proposed solutions.

Cryogenic coolers
On the strength of its skills in tribology, superfinishing and cleanliness, ADR is the preferred partner for equipment where vibration and noise levels must be particularly low, notably on cryogenic pumps.

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