ADR operates in various sectors which require high precision and top-quality products
Nowadays ADR devotes more than 50% of its activity to the defence and security sector. With extensive experience in this market, ADR designs and manufactures technical solutions in order to respond to several requirements: stability, repeatability, cleanliness and durability. Similar to the space and aeronautics sector where the systems precision as well as the lifespan are essential criteria.
ADR also evolves on the Energy, Industrial as well as Medical markets. Thanks to 40 years of experience in these sectors, ADR has developed products which meet the requirements imposed by these environments.
Defence & Security
Today, ADR devotes more than 50% of its activity to the defence & security sector.
With its long experience in this market, our company designs and manufactures technical solutions in order to meet the requirements of stability, repeatability, cleanliness and sustainability, making ADR the world specialist in optronic systems.

ADR is present on the very demanding market of aeronautical equipment. The quality and development of low-cost solutions allow ADR to express its know-how at several levels.

ADR has broad, state-of-the-art experience on the space mechanisms market. The company develops and proposes specific, tested and qualified solutions that meet the capacity requirements of launches and the constraints of low consumption with high operational reliability.

With its experience in the energy sector, ADR has been able to develop products to meet the different constraints imposed by this environment.
Today, ADR is present in three types of energy, each with their own specificities.

The know-how and experience acquired by ADR in demanding environments allows it to offer custom-made solutions whose effectiveness has been proven in many applications such as the medical sector.

Thanks to its experience, ADR is now able to adapt and propose technical solutions in order to meet the requirements of these different environments.
Our high precision ball bearings factor in certain problems such as speed, life span, high temperatures or the use of specific materials.